Moataz El Fegiery
David Kennedy and Peter Rosenblum have introduced an alternative way of thinking about human rights by applying critical methods to underline some debatable questions about international human rights. Both of them are prominent scholars in the field of critical legal studies. Throughout history, the human rights movement has achieved remarkable achievements for the sake of humanity and victims all over the world. However, the two scholars have referred to numerous shortcomings that need to be critically addressed. In this article, I argue that the international political community has played the most critical role in distorting the international human rights system by weakening the international enforcement of human rights, adopting inconsistent and selective polices towards human rights, and employing human rights slogans in international politics. Moreover, human rights movement is responsible for overemphasizing on rights more than other concepts like duties and responsibility, and underestimating the local socio cultural contexts of the application of international human rights norms. On the other hand, it is not persuasive for me what has been stated by Kennedy that human right has "occupie[d] the field of emnacipatory possibility."